I've been away from all of Minecraft for about two years now, and I've skimmed the forums and there seems to have been events relating to Mojang,...
Now, I have read others' posts on how they cannot get chat coloring to work in their consoles, and the solutions they they seem to come up with...
Hey, anyone know a mod that does this client side? I know nodus does it (lol) but is there a separate one?
Woobie They're dynamic, so I don't know the names of the plugins before startup :)
I would set a depend/softdepend and use Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin(name);
Long story short, I want to use onPluginEnable to link in dependencies. However, the plugins I depend on is dynamic, and is not found out until...
In my onDisable() I'm trying to process a save for all online players, but I think it is kicking the players before my onDisable() calls...
Try Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(username); to get a player
The way I get around this is using ((CraftPlayer)p).getHandle().getLocale().b(CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item).a()+".name").replace('_', '...
Yes I think this is a bug. Trying to set stuff inside of RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK was giving me problems but immediately worked when i changed it to...
Anyone know how to delete a thread...? I'm active as ever with this now.
That's true, I've never checked but assumed you could search plugins based on what languages they support, but going on PBO i don't really even...
Fair enough :)
Under project information for plugin on bukkitdev, why are there not more language options? I can get my plugin translated into languages such as...
Thanks man! That works great. Wish I could like it more than once.
Separate names with a comma.