lol I decided to google for this and this post comes up. This has been happening to us for weeks... months even. We just had to ban that...
This is certainly true, lowering the render distance significantly improves performance and decreases ram usage. When I modified mine and dropped...
Some plugins already operate this way, and I really see no reason why they should encourage all plugin developers to make them optional. If...
And again if you had bothered to actually read the first post in this thread you would know that updating is not needed.
If you'd bothered to read the original post, you know the most important post in any thread since it's what all replies are based upon, you'd know...
My guess would be that since there is a snapshot of the 1.5 update out now that they are focusing on that. I could be wrong though.
What bukkit version? What lockette version. You show us the output of /plugins but the output of /version and /version lockette would have been...
I love lockette. Really my only complaint is that lockettes just stay around forever. Would be nice if there was way to automagically remove...
Man you guys are fast.
With 1.7.6 the protections seem to work however I am now unable to create a double chest. I get "[Lockette] Illegal chest removed!". Nothing in...
As I previously stated we run 36 plugins and aside from bukkit build #2502 breaking lockette they all have worked. So your statement about...
Same problem. Just updated to 1.4.5-R0.3 build #2502 and lockette is no longer protecting anything.
We've been running 1.4.5 since shortly before the first beta was out and it's worked well so far. I'd say waiting for the next beta or a RB is...
Apparently you don't get the concept of development builds...
We did tell our users we wouldn't be updating right away, yet some still updated their clients anyway. And we also have said repeatedly that...
Separate names with a comma.