Don't do it for the money. You won't make much of anything from donations and a "paid version" won't sell. The only people who make money from...
Great idea, definitely a temporary fix but it gives server admins the means to keep their server secure while waiting on us plugin developers.
well you will now have to bind it to their UUID
can someone confirm that two players will not be able to have the same name at the same time?
it is very hard to track items through Bukkit, you will proly have to store some sort of player information in the lore
Genius! and that works even though most characters aren't a valid color in Minecraft?
It would be a lot slower and an eyesore.
TwoPointDuck I've seen code on how to add it to Bukkit, problem is you have to manually build each new version yourself.
Then you are storing all data as Strings and it is visible to the Player.
TwoPointDuck I'm just warning you that it won't be reliable. Bukkit may handle the item when the player simply opens their inventory. My...
Bukkit won't retain that info. It may be lost when handled by another plugin or even simply put inside a chest
You may be interested in looking at the source of my plugin TextPlayer. It sends text messages to people on various occasions. These texts are...
Repost your code and the error please.
Separate names with a comma.