lol uvbeenzaned post the fixed code so people can see how u did it. it might help some one down the way
lol got something mixed up for some reason my players got random names of the other players like fugalow becaome cocoson/ cocoson became jack/...
lol going to sound like a noob but i dont know how to add debuging to it been a while since i last used java
mbaxter yes i'm registering the event with this public void tagapicheck(){ if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("TagAPI") != null){...
i cant seem to get it to work i even tested it with your default @EventHandler public void onNameTag(PlayerReceiveNameTagEvent event) {...
seems cool in theory but i cant seem to get it to work have followed your tut and googled it for about a hour and tried a lot of what they...
lol nothing there any more please repost it
i'm trying to get the TagAPI to change the color of the names of vanished players this is what i got so far just cant seem to get it to work can...
Bukkit has a lot of ways of doing stuff so it is best to stick with the way you feel most comfortable in programing the plugin
lol my plugin is working just fine with out the else for it public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String commandlabel,...
look at what i added at the top if (!(sender instanceof Player)) { sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "Player command only!");...
also u dont have to do if(sender instanceof Player) instead do something like this @Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender,...
instead of sender.sendMessage(prefix + ChatColor.RED + "You do not have Permisson to do that!"); try player.sendMessage(prefix + ChatColor.RED +...
hah had to change if(!p1.isOp() || !player.hasPermission(Permissions.PERM_CanSee)) to if(p1.isOp() || p1.hasPermission(Permissions.PERM_CanSee)){
looks like ur trying to make it to complicated i have never messed with the teleport before but here is a video he uses a simple teleport idea...
Separate names with a comma.