It's in the op
@Crimsonfox Thanks man, pulled in your read me :) now back to coding
Please read other posts, this has already been discussed and fixed many times
This feature is already implemented
Yea sounds like im gonna have to release that fix early. Mind if i test it on your DB?
Um port 21 is usually FTP's, 3306 is usually MySQL. But you would need a remote account set up on it, and port 3306 to be open.
You have quotes around your port and update time. They are integers not strings, remove the quotes
I know, I think I may do a release while i work on those features to fix some of the bugs, Like the reload-all and quicker queries.
You have an error in your DBConfig.yml file, please post Lol, yes of course I am EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button...
Yup that was an issue with bukkit
No, port and update time expect numbers, if your host, DB name DB user or DB password are just numbers they must be encapsulated
That's not your filled in config file, but if you have any fields that are strictly numbers you must encapsulate them in quotes. That is why you...
Post your DBConfig.yml there is an error.
The update for web portal fixes this in next release :) much faster queries :)
Separate names with a comma.