From there you can assign some sort of identifier to each command block like location? or int...
String modified = s.replaceAll("\"", "a");
@henderry2019 if you read the link I sent it tells u about permissions and using children to make parent permissions.
@henderry2019 In your plugin.yml you would list all the permission nodes. You would then add the permission check code in front of any "feature"...
@lubbs31 you should never return false if you handled any type of action. If you output an error message true. If the code worked correctly true.
@teej107 Sure thing. Either of the ways works. Just offering multiple solutions :)
@teej107 You could always do a for loop that uses the length of args.
@RustyDesigns you would use the map get function. Here is where you will specify which key(UUID) you want it to gather. This will return the...
@lubbs31 You can also do.String full = arg1 + arg2 + arg3 + arg4
@SantaClawz69 just search the Internet about null checking. For example checking that the player has an item in hand before checking if the...
@SantaClawz69 Make sure you set the item's item-meta. ItemStack sword = new ItemStack(Material.STONE_SWORD, 1); ItemMeta meta=...
@SantaClawz69 yes
@SantaClawz69 You need to do more checks, especially null ones. The player likely doesn't have a chest late on, so there isn't one to compare.
@Eggspurt Try using 20L rather than just 20.
@SantaClawz69 Make sure you are accessing the argument like this.args[0] This will give you the 1st argument. Trying args[1] Means it is trying...
Separate names with a comma.