I'm not a native english speaker, but ShadowDog100 is working on documentation. But he does't have free time for it, we hope getting it done this...
I'm getting the "Too many connections", can you please post the update (or just put it on github).
[IMG] You can find all information on BukkitDev. Please post issues and request on BukkitDev, but you can place any feedback here :D
Sorry, can't acces my pc atm :(, I will update from the moment i can.
Ok, i'll try if i have some free time. Any ideas are welcome :D EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double...
Updated to recommended build + new stuff!
You just place your name in the list you want, probably full-users. You just type: <4 spaces>-<space><YourName>
I use PlayerInteractEvent, with event.getAction() and Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR or Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK
Try TurnStile
You know with LWC you can lock doors? But it is different than this.
The regular download is a zip with the users.yml inside.
I made a copy/paste error in config :'(
yes, I updated it a couple of days ago.
not possible with a bukkit plugin.
Separate names with a comma.