Having crazy lag issues still. Unloaded all the plugins and still having the same performance issues/lag spikes. Server can normally handle 150...
Orebfuscator is a known problem right now. They need to update.
Lol I never blamed anyone. Believe me, I thought about my options. I'd rather have 50 people on the server and deal with the lag, than have 5...
Dang hope this lag is sorted soon. 49 players online and running at 4.9 TPS on a 6gb server that used to be able to hold 200 players no problem.
Yeah having the same issue but I think it's because of the lag issues. Spamming right click on the chest eventually opens it.
Having the same issue on the first release.
The dispenser duping glitch is a huge one. Place a stack of something in the dispenser and activate it, it spits out the whole stack and it only...
So far here's what I have working: WorldBorder SwearingBlocker PlugMan BoatBug VoxelSniper Buycraft Multiverse MyHome CraftIRC SurvivalGames xWarp...
Working perfectly fine for me.
Lol I think I found a bug. Tamed cats are acting like wild ocelots. Anyone else having the same issue?
It says it works, but it really doesn't. Try doing a /nolagg examine and see if it crashes your server.
WorldGuard and mcMMO seem to be working.
Update: Updated to the latest Craftbukkit which still didn't solve the issue. Right now we're running the latest version of Craftbukkit++ and...
Is that 1.2.5 R1 still Craftbukkit++ or regular Craftbukkit?
Hello everyone. I'm posting to see if someone can shed some light on a very annoying issue I'm having. I run a large server with 125 slots (the...
Separate names with a comma.