as once as 1.3 comes out im on it.
1.3 has so much new stuff i kinda want to wait...
they are adding so much in 1.3 it is kinda making me want to wait...
I am back well, after may 20, I am done with exams and will finally update all my plugins.
waiting for 1.2.5
sure go ahead!
that error makes no sense to me, I do not think it is my fault, it has something to do with bukkit I believe; at line 33: 19:59:26 [SEVERE]at...
look at to do list "spread mode"
changed hope its fixed, I am a bit confused as I never got a error involving the plugin.yml file
I just updated so maybe it is now fixed because they changed event listening in newest snapshot, but tree assist as i know places the sapling on...
will do (after i update)
this plugin is free, and i will update it Thursday/Friday it is the day(s) when all I am doing is updating. Besides I am not old enough for paypal :)
I have currently traveled elsewhere, but when I come back on Thursday it is my top priority, I am also working a bit on it right now, but until...
updating right now... it will be updated for 1.2.3 dev build no sry, updating this takes longer, bukkit has changed a lot of code for 1.2.3....
Separate names with a comma.