Okay, now I understand... so the permissions is not by command-name, but by permission-nodes. Thank you for your help... I'll try that. Yes, now...
Hi Necrodoom... so everything is working, except the /newisland command. I'm getting the following error: "You don't have permission to use that...
Hi guys! I have some problems with permissions... I currenty have the following plugins enabled: CleanroomGenerator CommandBook...
Just to push this topic back up: I got an error when I typed the following command: /rg flag spawn construct g:essentials_default The error I...
Okay, I give it a try :) I have the GroupManager of Essentials, so I hope that works out of the box. ... //edit: I tried and get the following...
Hi ... I'm currently trying to define a region for everyone to build on, but disable pvp and mob-spawning and stuff. But when I do, I can't set,...
Hello, I'm currently facing problems with the /spawn command which is only available for ops. Also I can't get hurt of mobs and I don't have God...
Thanks guys, but I think MV does also a good job :) Thanks
Hello, I just got one question: Is there a plugin out there, what allows me with WorldGuards regions to define a region, where you automatically...
Hello, maybe this already exists or I can do that without a plugin, but I need a way to control bukkit over the web with php, so if a user does...
Hello, I'm running Bukkit RC1 and got a few bugs(?) :) first of all... if I try to set spawn point and then typing /spawn, I get to the old spawn...
Separate names with a comma.