How do you hide /plugins and /version ingame? Thanks.
Hey Guys, I'm running my own Server hosted on CentOS I've seen that it's the best with memory or is it? (Please tell me what you use). Every since...
Hey Guys, I've been getting these errors as far as I know there not to do with the Plugins I have. I'll have all the details and everything "...
Does not work on the new 1.0.1-R release
I'm extremely confused upon how... I have Spout and Spoutcraft for the Client but how do I give myself a Cape for others to see?
Hey Guys, I'm looking for some Plugin/Way in which I can do this. I would like to have it to a way that only I can login with OnlineMode=False but...
Everytime I try to use a Shortcut for a Players Name for instance. /kick Box I get error: but if I do...
Is there like a list of other default Bukkit Permissions I can find somewhere?
Hey Guys, Is it possible to give a Non-Op the /reload Command via Permissions? Our Server tends to bork out weekly and sometimes I'm not always...
We've been working on this for hours via McMyAdmin and FTP yet nothing is working. We are practically losing hope. Yes we have, Updated, Rebooted...
Yeah... turns out we already have the bridge yet worldguard.* still won't work!
I currently own a fairly big Server and the last thing I want to do is re-do permissions. Your telling me that all is do is install this JAR for...
I just Edit'd the topic. Read the "EDIT:"
Hey Guys. Title basically says it all. I have a Server and I'm trying to give a fellow Staff member all access to WorldGuard. I already gave him...
Hey Guys, I currently run CraftBukkit 1060 and Whitelist In-Game Commands are messed up. They come up with the message "I'm Sorry Dave, I cannot...
Separate names with a comma.