Thanks for sharing your experience. :)
Those of you who use Bukkit's built-in database system, how have you handled schema migrations across plugin versions? JavaPlugin.installDDL() is...
Yeah, impressive.
The file is currently under review. You can also download it from the project's GitHub releases. Thanks for your interest! The project reviewer...
Just Jetty, javax.servlet, and IMS Global's LTI utils. It was pretty straightforward, actually. The jar is 9 MB, though, which kind of sucks....
With a week my employer gave me to hack on any project, I built an LTI plugin for Bukkit so teachers can connect online assignments to areas on...
I'll bet you were running into this problem, as I was:!topic/ebean/6sM7_bCZoSc frominventory.setIntIDs...
I would love this plugin if it had MultiVerse integration. To be specific, when I enabled it, it teleported everyone into the earth somewhere...
Yup. They'll all be independent unless explicitly listed as dependent. You won't need those lines. You could add a P: = D:, though.
It only works the opposite direction. You would add Hi = world, NEW = world, and BANG = world to plugins/MultiInv/
I would find a configuration option to always start people with an empty inventory in some worlds useful.
I'm getting the same thing as Aro.
You are a legend. Thank you.
Would it be difficult to remove the "You can't build a shop over an existing chest" error? It seems like the only drawback is that it would allow...
Thank you! I'm so happy to have this.
Separate names with a comma.