So is there a thread for rewards? lol
Is there some sort of other thread for peoples' arenas? :P
Had the same problem. Just (if you're on Bukkit 1240) update LogBlock to 1240.
So...what kinds of custom classes do you guys have?
Anyone know if Lockette works with 1240? Afraid to update for fear of locks being broken.
The plugin would be a lot more helpful if it logged the coordinates. Could you make that happen? :I
"Not really, it conflicts with a lot of other bukkit plugins. It causes them to go haywire and crash servers." "Essentials, permissions, any...
Also, could you fix the arena protection? If you had like... a simple balcony with a fence border, it's not safe. Players can: 1) Break the fence...
Are skins/capes visible by people who don't have the client-side bukkitcontrib?
It would be cool if you could use commands to set classes.'ll match the inventory to what you're currently holding, so it'd be like "/ma...
Can I have some help with the config file? Every time I make a change to the classes or rewards, the plugin stops working. This happened before...
Can you have it consume arrows, or does it already do that?
So where do I find plugins for this?
Does this work with the latest update?
Separate names with a comma.