Sweet Thanks I will look at it tomorrow morning thanks!
Can you disable anti build because then I have to approve all the players in my server. And if they do /<magic word> could it add then to a group...
Like 999 days or 999d cuz in the config its # minutes
Ok so must I just set my config thing to like 100000000 minutes? Cuz I cant afford to rollback half
Ok but will it still rollback everything the person has done?
When I roll some one back it says searching for edits found 3 edits in the last 3o minutes. does it only record up to 30 mins?
Ok thanks And why did you add /lb rb PLAYER. Whats the reason for it? Oh and In the default config does it only save up to 30 when you do /lb...
I joined with a fake account griefed a little on my server and rolled it back and nothing happend and I griefed a few more blocks and it rolled...
Well Can you make it so you can do /<magic word> and it adds you to a group I already have anti-build in the deafult group thanks!
It doesn't stop you from speed hacking only flying up? can you add this? thanks!
Hey Sorry to bother you but can you please make it so when they do /<magic word> it puts them into the builder group. And can you please take away...
Thank you sooo much!
I think /<magic word> would be better and will it add them to the selected group or builder as i have it? And could I change the magic word to...
Thank you all for helping each other :) But the thing is that if you want to change the magic word incase someone leaks it or tells other people...
Hey On my server when people join they have to read the rules and find a Magic Word to get building rights and they say the magic word and they...
Separate names with a comma.