Could be a corrupted world, I had the same thing and got a new world and it went away. Also notice how often the word 'Chunk' is in there,...
Dude, everyone is saying the same thing... You should cancel your 2GB plan and buy a 4GB plan. That would most likely fix the crashes, because it...
In the server file, make sure your ip is internal (, etc.) but you connect with your external ip address. I use that on mine and it...
Get Notepad++ and open the file with it. If any of your lines are bright red and stay red, you have a typing error in the file.
is there any color in the chat at all? in the chat can you do &1blue and it will turn blue? If you can't your colors are somehow disabled, but if...
I have no clue how to add rewards for people if they vote for my server, can someone please tell me how to do it. Never mind, found a plugin for...
Plugin category: Adventure/Contests Suggested name: Capture The Wool What I want: Maybe you can create maps for Capture the Wool (they reset...
Can ops do anything else like /help or /spawn? If they can't I know what to do but if they can, then sorry I can't help you
ok go to essentials go in the config file then scroll down to find the timing the default is 0, change it to 5 done
I've heard of a plugin or something that lets you know which of your plugins uses the most memory but I don't know what it's called. A link would...
i think i located which plugin is causing it, i removed it and im testing it out right now if it works, thanks in advance <3 we just posted at...
ok thanks, ill try that. im still getting the crashes but they're smaller. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead...
Please help. You will get Admin on my server and I desperately need help, the server will not stay up for more than an hour at a time.
This is the full crash report ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Hey, that tickles! Hehehe! Time: 1/7/13 7:58 PM Description: Exception in...
Try Port forwarding it, it's the same internet connection but it could help
Separate names with a comma.