Your right, maybe censoring was the improper word for that. The point i was making is if i run my Bungeecord Server on online mode it...
Wow , so now Bukkit Staff are censoring messages? What does " it is not" even mean? [IMG] How can you spoof who you are if bungee is...
@Tecno_Wizard I agree also.
now it alls adds up, why my twitter account had like 200 people being followed by my account. When i only follow 5. Yes i did use the same...
@Chiller OK i thought it was the 1.7.10 server. Since it didn't really affect anything, i wasn't too concern over it. I'm glad your still on top...
Well been running this thing for over a week with only one error, which is probably caused by my server. V107 is by far the best one. Anyone...
same terminal your running the server from, just type: stop
Outstanding! Your really stepping it up! Keep you the great work.
This is the best release yet. I have been using it for about an hour now, and seen no more errors! Great Job Chiller.
HAHA! I thought i was loosing it!! Glad your working on all these little features, people will like the control you give them. Question, have you...
Separate names with a comma.