For 1.7.2? Hm, I'll have another look.
Hello, well, I have been searching around and can't figure out how to spawn human npcs for 1.7.2. So here I am asking for some help.
This code sometimes causes client crashes.... I don't know why... @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)...
Navigation range.
Ok, so I did this: private static final UUID followRangeUID = UUID.fromString("1737400d-3c18-41ba-8314-49a158481e1e"); @EventHandler(priority...
How do I modify how far away a zombie can view entities like players and villagers? I saw a thread somewhere but can't find it...
How would I make minecarts work with WASD keys not rails?
Ok... My post glitched out... The syntax is screwed up for me... EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double...
@Override public void onEnable() { PluginManager pm = this.getServer().getPluginManager(); pm.registerEvents(this, this);...
Once they respawn they get the Internal server error. Is it my plugin? Or another one on the server? @EventHandler(priority =...
This is close to what you want.
I'll see what I can do.... Too busy My Birthday is tomorrow I wanna relax.
Contact me via skype: bayleyfoster
Yeh I know.
Any ideas? anyone?
Separate names with a comma.