If Im understanding this right, this is not anywhere near being the same as bungeecord. Bungeecord allows you to switch between servers without...
tyzoid Seems your koding account was closed :/
Skye Thank you so much for creating this! I haven't gotten a chance to test it just yet (I'm going to wait for a usable 1.6 build first), but I'm...
I use http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/namer/ on my server and it works just fine with 1.5.1. It has everything you are asking for. If you use...
Yeah, I have talked to my hosting provider since and it turns out they do not allow fwrite on their shared web hosting, oh well.
I switched not too long ago to Prism from LogBlock, I couldn't be happier.
This may answer your question huntermetroid
Separate names with a comma.