Thanks for your feedback so far! I've meanwhile fixed most render glitches to do with stated blocks, such as fences and stairs (rooftops). [IMG]
Not really, as I'm not sure how long it'll take me to iron out all the little rendering features. a v0.1 is already out there but its an...
I have a new project going on to create an isometric world map renderer for Minecraft maps. It is already quite mature, and now is the moment for...
The added link is a step in the right direction. I disagree with the hardline "YOU CANT" on the first line, though. Perhaps weaken it a bit and...
I understand that its impossible to host the builds (although some sites challenge this). I was more suggesting to include a basic step guide for...
Unifying the Spigot and Bukkit plugin pages would be nice. I still need to rewrite many pages, since they still contain outdated updates and...
After the DMCA takedown everything seems so odd. I returned to plugin development back in May after finishing my study, but still to this day I'm...
MoeMix Reviving a 3-year old thread...oh well. I indeed don't come here anymore but check, maybe, every 2-3 weeks to see if anything important is...
Yep feel free to use the code for any purpose you seek.
bobacadodl (That was quick) Well go right ahead then, if you need help understanding the code pass a PM. I guess I'll be going with a 'first...
So, I made some plugin out of boredom month(s) ago, which allowed lava/water fountains. That is, it creates an animation of blocks shooting up or...
Killing the Entity does not magically make the resources allocated for that Entity disappear. Using BKCommonLib it is easily possible to do this,...
Separate names with a comma.