Hey y'all, I'm redoing a skills system and each skill is activated differently. Up until now, I handled events by checking which skills are...
You can check whether the player's inventory contains the item that was clicked if(player.getInventory().contains(/* item */)) { // do stuff }...
me.def1127.youtube is only your package, you also have to tell Bukkit what your main class is, the class which extends JavaPlugin So if your...
Why would you need so many individual arraylists? Can't you use a map, like a HashMap?
Hey y'all, I've set up a custom entity with the snowman network id. The code does not include any snow that will spawn when the entity moves....
Don't forget to register the event too :) @EventHandler public void onEntityDamageByEntity(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event){...
rsod That's of course a proper way to do it, but as it is a minigame, the requester doesn't want it to depend on external libraries. ferrybig...
Hmm, I see. The enchantments only go with id and level in a tag, so I'm not bright enough to think of a solution with NBT tags.. any idea? D:
What packets are used when the item receives the enchantments? I just need that packet to hide the enchantments, so I find using ProtocolLib quite...
Hey, I've been going through some threads but there wasn't a (currently working) way of hiding enchantments in the lore, let's say a "Protection...
You should post this in Plugin Requests
You still get the error because you misplaced the code Barinade suggested. if (e.getClickedBlock().getType() == Material.WALL_SIGN...
Hey y'all, I'm trying to make a pathfinder goal based on PathfinderGoalNearestAttackableTarget, which in the class provided uses the object...
Adamki11s Reading it, but doesn't that only support walking to a specific tile, no random stroll/wandering?
Shameless pumb
Separate names with a comma.