A Plugin Idea: Make a Plugin where if someone is holding a Diamond Sword and they right-click and Zombie it enables 3x the power of the Sword and...
Yeah good idea but 1 Minecraft night last only 15 mins and if people build bases far out from one another you have no chance of finding them at...
Hello Bukkit, I have made a PlayerCountMessage using ProtocolLib but I was wondering how to change the PlayerList for when certain Players are...
fireblast709 Thanks for the help :0 Worked using your method AdamQpzm Never tired your method but I'm sure it works as your a good developer...
br456 Yea @EventHandler public void onPlayerJoinEvent(PlayerJoinEvent e) { Player p = e.getPlayer();...
So my Plugin that I have had since 1.7.2 has just broken and gave a random NPE for some reason Code: for(String Before :...
danjb2000 Thank you I was looking for the same thing :) People who show the solved Puzzle are amazing and friendly people thanks again :) I...
Hello Bukkit, I need some help with my Custom Plugin, the thing I need it to do is when a Zombie dies it has a 2% chance of dropping a Diamond...
Also you will have to make an HashMap or ArrayList to save the Stuff they put inside the inventory otherwise it's just like having a Trash...
I haven't changed nothing just removed equals with == same thing I think it just makes the code look better Also maybe try debugging the code or...
iWareWolf Okay no what error is it giving you? Any stack trace or is it not working inside Eclipse?
Need more information a little like What's not working? What's the error? Then we can help you more :) Probably need some more code aswell
You need it in an Event something like this Code: @EventHandler public void onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent e) { Player p...
AdamQpzm 1) Okay get an Int because full Number 2) Add 1 to the Number using what? 3) I have the code to check if it is an instanceof Zombie and...
I have the Random gen and that in I added the old code because I had it copied sorry. On the other hand I would I do it depending on the Number?...
Separate names with a comma.