Hey, I googled if you can get the lava furnace plugin but for single player, and nothing poped up.I'm guessing that that's not possible...SO here's the question, can you make a mod for single player? And if there already is then can you message me? Thanks!
No, I have not created a Single player Lava Furnace mod. I dont really have any desire to mod single player as I never play it. The mods I make I use and make because I use them. Thats my only motivation. Sorry.
What do you think about helping with updating ChopTree to 1185? It is really the only good one out there.
Not really interested. I doubt just an update would fix the problems it seems to have. It may need at least a partial rewrite. I've got my own plugins to maintain. I'm just not feeling particularly altruistic right now. Sorry man.
Heh - I saw your Magma Furnace plugin, immediately thought 'OMG DWARF FORTRESS'... :) Now just to make a screw pump plugin...
Whats wrong with /dfill? Its been working fine in my version. You wouldnt happen to be using a craftbukkit version above 560 would you?