what exaclty is bukkti im more than a newb ive wanted to create a server bymyself i watched a video and have on there is currently NOTHNG on it its just a new one but ihave to tun with no mobs and no animals to not fall in void can you help me
sorry bout the question im just a rebel ;) is their a guide on how to do all of this that ach works!?
Hey mate i was just wondering how do u actually update a bukkit server ? do i need 2 download newest build then del the craftbukkit in my server folder ? ;) thnx
You post it in the submissions forum first. Then, if it fits with our guidelines, we move it to the releases.
hey there. im a friend of a person who runs a server and i am wondering if maybe you would be able to start making mods for us. email me at [email protected]
I'm gonna try to be a developer aswell. Started my first plugin yesterday, got over a few errors, now making some commands. It's only a test plugin, so it's not gonna do anything, but meh. =D
Hi there. Just wondering, are you the same RightLegRed as from Roblox? =D Because I'm from Roblox too. =]