Has anyone else noticed, when power is applied to say, an iron door via button or pressure plate, the very moment the player steps off the...
same problem here.
well due to that not being a normal item, i could see why that bug has gone unnoticed. what plugins are you using? and are they all up to date?
you are not the only one to experience this problem. this is in fact a bug, and im not 100% sure but i think it may have been fixed in one of...
i have been using this one. i like it.
ok i see, thanks!
The author hasn't logged onto bukkit for about a month and a half so im hoping someone can do a touch up and update this for 1.3.1 :D
Hey Guys, i am simply looking for someone to create a similar plugin or update this one...
18:17:51 [SEVERE] Nag author: '***' of '*' about the following: This plugin is not properly shutting down its async tasks when it is being...
just to make sure.... -both start.command and craftbukkit.jar is in the same folder? - you clicked typed "c + h + m + o + d + 'SPACE' + a + 'PLUS...
make a folder, i recommend desktop because its convent, and call it server or what ever you would like. drag the craftbukkit.jar file into that....
ahh i see haha
...i have no idea what that means....
so like i said, it's most likly just that seed.
Separate names with a comma.