I was just trying to help, i just wrote that without testing. I would have realized my error later on.
@AlvinB Thats what makes so sense! I have checked and double checked to see if its null or not, i have put in if(iuser == null) return;...
@N00BHUN73R got it right, but wanted to elaborate just a little bit. I didnt know if u knew how to get a sign from a interact event, so i am just...
I just wanted to know if u guys knew what was wrong with this code here. I already checked in a separate plugin to do the same with the same...
Just checked, it isnt
I have tried doing ess.getSettings().isDebug() in my code and it worked fine, that's what does not make any sense
So I am trying to enact essentials repair methods, but its sending a random error that does not even make sense. Code Essentials ess =...
thanks tornado, but i already got it working. It turns out they tell you on there wiki how to hook it into worldguard! I feel so stupid!
come on help me, i have absolutely no idea ok i got some things done, but i can not get it to check worldguard. I have this, but it will not pull...
I cant figure it out, I had it working fine with just dropping blocks, but i wanted it to go into the persons Inventory too. But it wont register...
I took it a step forward, by making it where you make the drop go straight into the inventory, but it wont work. First it would only drop one...
iTornado1234 I got it to work! Thanks for your help.]!
iTornado1234 I tried it, but it does not stop me. here is the code @EventHandler (priority = EventPriority.LOWEST) public void...
iTornado1234 no no errors, just when people without permission try to break a block inside a world guard region that has build deny on it. It...
I made a fortune plugin for pickaxes and blocks, so that all blocks are effected by fortune. But WorldGaurd regions are ignored, any help that...
Separate names with a comma.