...Wait. I reported that number wrong, sorry. It was build 2294. ..Dunno how I ended up with that other number. But yeah, tried out the new...
As it stands, build 1512 for bukkit, 2.9.2 for Essentials. Still doesn't work, and not running any other plugin except for Essentials,...
Essentials does not work on 1.3.1 Bukkit, simply spams this error on startup: [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\Essentials.jar' in folder...
No, this is impossible. The server generation code has been created and unaltered since it was changed. I have been running a 1.3 vanilla server...
You can use Spoutcraft. I'd recommend that. They have a massive client API for it. But only people with the client can do see the difference....
AH. So I have to Cast it as an EntityDamageByEntityEvent. I was not aware. Goddamn, Bukkit API is complex. -laughs- Thanks again.
Alright. One last question. How would I go about retrieving the one who caused the EntityDamageEvent? I need to be able to retrieve the one who...
Sorry, I was unspecific. And uh.. No, I have not used Enumerations before, and, sadly, never heard of them until now. Never needed them, until...
This can be done, technically, but it will not be noticed on the client. The client is what handles block breaking, so you would have to modify...
Interesting. Do you know how to use the EntityDamageEvent.getCause() function? Or anyone, really. It'd be extremely helpful to know.
So I used this quite often in my code, for checking if entities were being damaged by arrows. However, since build 1040-ish, it stopped working,...
You should add Essentials Economy support. Quite a few people would use it, and it would be great to get a money reward for defeating Monsters.
Only Admins seem to be able to color their signs, yet when I look up a possible permissions node to enable it for everyone, I cannot seem to find...
I was Skeptical of BukkitContrib earlier. Having to mod all the files, making it totally incompatable.. This method you're using now for clients...
Bukkit Contrib is pretty damn nice, but it has it's fair share of issues. If you have client mods, there is a good chance that it will break...
Separate names with a comma.