soulofw0lf He is referring to the getLocale() method. sheigutn I believe so. Hasn't been working for me either.
Chuckleluck .teleport() is the only way. If you have spout however, you could do it with custom packets. "Client mods are overpowered - they...
HackintoshMan That would be very dumb. For each command, you should have a HashSet containing all the players names who have disabled that...
jflory7 Umm... The plugin.yml MUST NOT be inside the package. It has to be at the top level.
jflory7 You ticked it in your export menu?
Dpasi314 And afistofirony is correct if that was your question.
megasaad44 [media]. Not really what you want but the same thing can be used with your plugin if you understand it.
Dpasi314 Have a set of values and then convert it to an array and display values with a for loop. This way you can easily add more features. (eg....
dakoslug There's a NPE. Code please!
megasaad44 Use reflection to unload the plugin, then load it again and tadah!
megasaad44 this.reload();
kreashenz String msg = config.getString("commands.command.permission-message"); AFAIK. I don't know if that works. Another way is to use ยง.
kreashenz Yes! Use & and then ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes.
MrGermanrain Actually, in my opinion something like this would be better. name: WitherHealth main: me.mrgermanrain.wither.wither version: 1.0...
klofno1 Show us the plugin.yml?
Separate names with a comma.