Can you log the block type in the onBlockPlace event just to be sure it's a chest?
Why would you cast to a CraftChest? Nothing you're doing requires hooking into CraftBukkit. Just casting it to a Chest and linking against Bukkit...
The easiest way that's guaranteed to work in about all cases would be by listening for the PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event.
The arguments to the constructor need to be of type com.sk89q.worldedit.BlockVector, not Bukkit's org.bukkit.util.BlockVector type.
Just do something like this: }, 0L, 1200*getConfig().getInt("Karma.Time.Every"));
Can you? I like being able to see what's running on my server, and I do often submit bugfixes and improvements to mods I use and it's not so good...
I'm using Orebfuscator freshly compiled from the most recent git commit (commit 3bb2e522 - which says it's 1.2.1, is that right?) and I notice...
Is this when the player teleports to near the (invisible) admin, or the admin teleports to near the player? I'm planning on making some more...
WorldEdit has a handy regen feature. Have a wooden axe out, left-click the ground near one corner of the building, then right-click the ground...
Not possible. You'd have better luck requesting the other plugins to add support for configuring what worlds they work on, or having someone...
Just run the bitcoin miner at the lowest cpu priority you can set. On Linux, starting bitcoin as "nice -n 19 bitcoind -gen" will do the trick.
I think you've posted in the wrong topic.
I've submitted a github Pull Request that cleans up the code a lot, fixes some issues (especially with multiworld support stuff), makes some...
I'm getting the same bug occasionally mentioned on the previous page where sometimes a player's tools will get repaired and never wear off. Dunno...
Just installed BigBrother for the first time, build #"3202ceb", with CraftBukkit 766. Configuration was mostly the default auto-generated, except...
Separate names with a comma.