can't wait to see this released :)
Ah no worries, i'll keep searching :( still have no idea :( also do you know of any basis to start writing plugins? i know some java but wondered if...
Bukkit #1240, i have no idea what's causing it, i could paste up a list of plugins i have?
I've got the plugin loaded, but for some reason i still can't place pressureplates on the fences, they are there when i right click but instantly...
I'm getting LOADS of errors on 1240, i assume you know about them? :( hope it's updated soon :)
unless im being stupid, where's the download link? it takes me to the repo but i don't see any compiled versions?
Why is mchat so difficult to use? here's my config's: info.yml # mChat Info config mchat: custVar: admin: '' mod: ''...
I figured it out cheers :) didn't see the command on wiki but got help on irc!
that error is due to a change in bukkit, the fact it's not working is actually due to only working with 1.09d, and likely not working with newer...
I'm just wondering, how exactly do i set this up to have my main world, and the second new world actually creative?
there's still so many plugins not supported :( we need Bukkit to release an official plugin that connects to the dev database!
what plugin is needed to enable protection? i can still destroy blocks when a game is active :( could you implement this with spout? using...
on latest bukkit ver it never refreshes the main info: Current server status: ONLINE Amount of users online: Loading... Free/Total Memory:...
this needs multiworld support! i'd love a creative map on my world, but need to disable the plugin for the other worlds!
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