I'm looking at a sign and i type /sms create hi hi and it gives me a list of the commands
Now... when I try to use /sms create it just lists all the commands for sms even if i put the menu name and title
i got this error 20:08:38 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_INTERACT to ScrollingMenuSign java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:...
fixed but now i get something like Could not pass event PLAYER_INTERACT to ScrollingSignMenu
how do i do that? its saying this in the console
it says it cant download register.jar at https://github.com/iConomy/Register/raw/master/dist/_Register.jar help? EDIT by Moderator: merged...
mine says it needs to download it from some url but it cant help! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double...
I'm running the plugins Factions, AdminsCanFly, AntiCreeper, AutoAnnouncer, Backup, bColoredChat, Biomesound, bMobs, Essentials, EssentialsChat,...
1.0.2, 1060, there is no error it just doesn't kick them or say anything. And for the GUI mods, I have no idea why they don't work they appear...
help here?
The plugin seems to not kick people who don't have the spoutcraft.jar, also none of the GUI mods are working?
I'm getting the error 20:36:46 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling SpoutEssentials v2.6 (Is it up t o date?):...
No, it's a jar.
A mirror?
Can you put up another link for 2.6? D:
Separate names with a comma.