@Jozeth I had that exact same problem before while using an earlier dev build of 1.0 Bukkit. It seemed to be caused by using a seed in...
For some reason, guests are able to create admin shops. I've double checked the permissions and they definitely are neither an OP nor have the...
Hi guys, is there a feature to turn off admin shops?
The /lb savequeue is a nice solution, but the plugin still isn't periodically inserting the data into the database (with 0.12c).
Sorry to be a pain, but I hope you fix the Consumer issue soon. My server at some points has a queue accumulated with over 100,000 records at...
I appear to be having the exact same problem on 617. I've manually checked the database and can confirm that data is only being written in on...
I had the same issue with the config file not being generated on 612+. All you need to do is manually create the NPCTrader folder in your plugins...
I also noticed that NPC shops do not group similar items together. If you sell 1 lot of 30 coal to an NPC, and then a second lot of 10 for...
Great plugin so far, but is there a way to change the selling/buying price of NPC shops?
I was thinking something similar to dpswt. Perhaps to prevent abuse, you must pay back your current loan before being able to take out another. On...
This looks rather interesting. Any chance of integrating loans into this somehow?
Oops! Appears I forgot to update the .jar (derp). Working perfectly on 493 :P
Netstats does not appear to be working with build 493 :( I seem to be getting that error everytime someone disconnects from the server.
Separate names with a comma.