This is a thread to explain how to use Group manager for Permissions 1. make the group To make a Group its /mangadd Groupname Then add...
thank you i will delete it thanks now all players can talk EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
citizens essentials essentials chat essentialsgroupbridge groupmanager essentialsspawn Factions jail lockette modifyworld worldedit
i have set up groups on group manager but without op no one can talk and i dont want to op everyone because whats the point of groups and my world...
Whenever i join my server all i get is an invisible world and everthing is black how can i fix that
i had to downgrade to 1.2.5
When i updated to 1.3.1 bukkit my world was black and i just fell and died and it just continuously done that
is there a plugin that only allows op to use a lever?
i cant find it
I would like: A plugin that if someone breaks a block in a selected region they get temporarily banned for 2 minutes and the block is restored...
I'm trying to make plugins too
is there a plugin that lets you control other players?
i have no idea how to use it
Separate names with a comma.