
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ewrs, Aug 22, 2018.

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    Hello. I have a question. How can I make sure that some things do not stack on the ground and in the inventory? It is very necessary for me.

    Sorry for my english, he's not among the best


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2018
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    If the ItemName or MetaData of the item is different, it won't stack
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    When a player dies, a bone is dropped from him, but if he dies again, the thing stacks.
    And on ordinary cubecraft diamonds and do not stack, and they are without metadata
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    If it doesn't have ItemMeta then set some yourself
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    Why are you so hard to understand so obvious things? I DO NOT (DO NOT NEED) MetaData
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    Because you're not understanding something so obvious. If you change the item meta, the ItemStacks won't stack.

    There is no other built-in method to change the max-amount for stacked items.
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    If two things are the same ItemMeta, they stack
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    Exactly, so you want to make sure the item metas are different if you do not want them to stack.
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    I'm not very good with English, maybe I'm not reading this way, but I absolutely did not understand anything .... Example?
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    ItemStack stackableDiamond = new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND);
    //This will be able to stack with all other diamonds.
    ItemSack unstackableDiamond = new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOMD);
    ItemMeta im = unstackableDiamond .getItemMeta();
    //This will create a diamond that will not stack with any other diamonds.
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    How do I make sure that this thing is not pick uped if it generates randomly? ...
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    What do you mean by "randomly"? If you mean to generate it whenever any of the item is dropped/created, you will need to listen to the ItemPickupEvent and use the above method if the item does not have the lore/uuid.
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    Then why does not it work?
        @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
        public void onDeath(PlayerPickupItemEvent e) {
            ItemStack unstackableBone = new ItemStack(Material.BONE);
            ItemMeta im = unstackableBone .getItemMeta();
            if(e.getItem().getItemStack().equals(unstackableBone)) {
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    Because, again the whole point of setting the item meta is so the items are not equal to eachother. What you need to do is check if the item being picked up is the same type as the bone.
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    e.getItem().getItemStack().getType == unstackableBon.getType()
  17. Offline



    Thank you so much! But one nuance, how do I make it a red dye? I get only black.

    Please check the subject with ArmorStand

    UPD: All. I figured it out myself. Thank you so much! Do not forget to check the subject with ArmorStand, please.


    Hey. I'm sorry, but I can not understand. Why do not objects have a name on this server, but can not they be lifted? I picked them up using a funnel and they do not have any LORE

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2018
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    Hey. Me again. Yes, your method really works, thanks. But here such a thing. When a player dies, a bone falls from him. it can not be raised and it disappears (as it should), but if it falls off the skeleton, the plugin recognizes it is the same and the players can not raise it. What should I do?
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