How to get JSON file(-s) from server?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MrASTRO, Apr 15, 2017.

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    Hello. So I have some test servers. I`ve made a plugin that creates JSON file with some info(current online, max slots, whitelistEnabled and so on). So I placed this plugin to all of my test servers. Each of them creates its own JSON file. And now I need my site to get this files and process them. But I dont know exactly how.. Any ideas?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @MrASTRO Move the files over with FTP to the website.
    Read it on there.
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    I need to update info every 9-10 seconds. FTP isn't that good now, I think..
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    He means, upload your json files to the web-server and then read it from your plugin by grabbing the url (yourwebsite.sdfsdf/jsonfile.json) and using BufferedReader or something
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    You misunderstood me. My plugin creates JSON and my site needs somehow to get this JSON. Site, not plugin.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @N00BHUN73R That won't work, he wants to read it from the website itself, not the plugin.

    @MrASTRO Install a database, let the plugin write to that.
    Only need to update it when somebody joins or leaves and maybe every minute or so.
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    Oh my bad, sorry haha. Yeah timtowers way should work fine

    -- PixeLInc --
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    I`ll try, thanks :D
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