Support - Admin Tool

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by bingoberraz, Aug 22, 2015.

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    Plugin category:
    Admin Tools, Support

    Suggested name: Support

    What I want: I would like a plugin with the ability for my players to type /support.

    They will then get into a queue and the server staff will be announced.

    I would like the messages and prefix of the plugin to be configurable, because Im Swedish, and my server is Swedish. Support åäö and color codes please!

    Ideas for commands:
    /support help - Show following list. Do not show admin or moderator commands.

    /support - Require support, Player gets into queue. Announces which number in queue he or she is.
    ^Each person gets an unique ticket aswell at this point. 1, 2, 3 and so on. At this point his or her location saves aswell. This will send a message to staff with permission "support.mod".
    /support leave - Leave queue or chat. Read more about close ticket below.

    /support join <name|ticket id> - Starts a chat with this person. - Just "/support join" without variable will help the first person in queue.
    /support close - Closes the ticket. Player need to answer how satisfied he/she was by typing 1-5 in chat afterwards, the chat will be blocked at this time (until typed). This will be recorded with the staff who gave support.
    /support list - Shows information about how many and who is in queue.
    /support tp - Teleports to where the player wrote /support. Only available while in support-chat.
    /support stats <name> - Shows information about ratings for this staff. (Average and how many that staff has helped).
    /support top - Shows a list of staff and rating. They only show up if they have permission support.mod (Old staff don't show up etc).
    /support reload - Reloads config, database (no need for mysql).
    /support overwatch|spy - Show chat in all support "channels".

    /support clear <name> <rating|total> - If not rating/total specified, clear both.
    /support set <rating|total> <number> (rating can't be over 5, etc: /support set rating 6). Total = Total people helped.

    Ideas for permissions:

    Support.mod - Can join and close support chats. Also /support list and /support tp

    When I'd like it by:
    Im not in a rush. But I would like it to be good and well made! Also, If you know any support plugins this awesome.. Please link them.

    If I've forgotten something, just ask and I'll answer. Its 06:11 AM here so.

    Thanks /BingoBerraz
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    The command is wrong and not all the features :(

    Thanks anyway.
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    I have problems with ModReq, i think it is because i use Cauldron (FTB server) but I understand his reasons and sounds nice, however sadly I cannot work on this.

    Would you like it for ONLY online players and/or support server restarts (config), just a question for whoever takes this up.
    Could you also list the Swedish color codes?
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    I don't understand the first question :eek: Yea they have to type /support so..?

    There is no such thing as swedish color codes, only swedish characters ÅÄÖåäö.

    I only think the config needs to be utf-8 or something. (edit) - For the Swedish characters to be supported
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
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    I would not how to support swedish characters so, if I do this, you will not get that support

    And ok.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You don't need to offer your own support, Bukkit probably already has it build in based on the weird characters are used sometimes.
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    mumeldjur - bump
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    Is this even possible?
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    @bingoberraz Yes, this idea is possible and, in practice, not very hard to create (depending on the dev's experience). I believe the issue here is that this thread has not yet been viewed by a dev interested enough in this idea to create it.
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    I will do some research around it and will update you tomorrow, it does not seem so difficult and I can take it as my learning opportunity. :)

    EDIT: Okay, I think it should not be a problem. I see it as a one week project for me, so it should be done soon. Maybe sooner if I get hyped :D
    Additional questions:
    - Do you need support queue and opened tickets to be saved after server restart or reload?
    - If yes, saving to text files is okay? I do not want to mess with MySQL etc.
    - How chat between supported guy and moderator works (when ticket is opened)? Some sort of private messages?
    - What to do when player goes offline during opened conversation?
    - What to do when moderator goes offline during opened conversation?
    - Can player go away from the place, where he asked for support?
    - Maybe a stupid question, but what do you mean by prefix? Text before every chat message?
    - Which version of Minecraft do you use? 1.8+ is okay?
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
    bingoberraz likes this.
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    1. Preferably yes.
    2. Textfile is okej.
    3. Like a channel, so yes private messages.
    4. Close the ticket I think would be best..
    5. If this happens, he get demoted. But yea, close it.
    6. Yes he can go away.
    7. Exactly, [Support] etc, balalbblablabla
    8. 1.8.7.

    @Xmat - Also if you edit your post, please tag me so I get updated!
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    @bingoberraz Okay, I will start working on it. :)
    I will keep you posted and btw, what server do you have? I am interested in who I work for, even if it is in language I don't understand :-D
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
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    @Xmat is the IP :) Check it out, BTW If I haven't mentioned this yet... Im using spigot. 1.8.7
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
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    Hows it going? :D
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    You might want to tahg her/him

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  25. Offline


    I'll be honest.. the obnoxiously large server advertisement at the top of your post put me off this -.-
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    I have seen multiple posts from you, and you always put a server advertisement logo, and to be honest, I could do this, and I know that there is someone working on it, but could you please not put a server advertisement picture, I turn away but right down the idea for my own use, which I guess some others do as well.
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    @Jayfeather311 @Xmat
    All of the developers that have been making a plugin for our server (2 guys) has asked for what server they're working for, that's the main reason I put the "logo" there. It was a project in illustrator that I thought was a fun way to show the ip with.

    This is also the only post that I've put the "logo" on aswell.

    The real reason I think people is not taking this on is because it's kind of difficult and probably a big project.

    But thanks for your opinion on the matter, I'll remove the logo if you make it for me, deal? <3
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    I'll attempt to create this plugin, but as usual, some questions to clarify.

    1. What are the stats you want to keep track of? (for "support.mod" players) Average ratings and total people helped.
    2. Do you want all the chats between the player requesting for help and the moderator to be by using a command (/support talk "message") or simply sending a message (which means all messages sent by both players will be to each other only, unless there is someone else using /support overwatch) ? Or a toggle for the latter ? Toggle.
    3. /support stats <name> - What do you mean by (Average and how many that staff has helped) ? How many staff helped out this particular non-moderator player ? Average ratings and total people helped.
    4. How do you want to demote the moderator who went offline when he is in the middle of a ticket ? Close the ticket. Join queue again, with highest priority. Give moderator lowest rating for current ticket ?
    5. How can I tell if a player is a admin ? For moderators, I can see if he has the permission "support.mod". support.admin
    6. Can a player start more than one ticket ? 2 max.
    7. Does "/support leave" do the same as "/support close" ?

    Some assumptions I'll make: (I'll edit this if I have more assumptions to make)
    • When the moderator wants to start a new ticket, he have to close the previous ticket before doing so.
    • Admins can also be moderators, they can "support" the server too.
    I can't guarantee I'll finish this plugin, neither can I give an ETA, but I'll at least attempt.
    If anyone is willing to take over, please tag(tahg) me and let me know.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2015
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    I edit it above with answers!

    Thanks for trying :)

    I feel like everyone with the support.mod permission can use /support list, /support tp, /support join <name | id> and /support close.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2015
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    I'm down with a severe flu and high fever for the past few days. I don't think I'll be able to do anything. I'm so sorry.
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