Check how many values a key has in a hashmap?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by BurnerDiamond, Apr 11, 2015.

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    Titles says it all!
  2. Offline


    Loop through hashmap and if key = keyLookingFor then increment
  3. Offline


    I'm not checking for the key.

    I'm checking if a KEY has more then 2 VALUES.

    Something like:

    if(hashmap.get(Player).size() == 1) {
  4. Offline


    A key can only have one value.
  5. Offline


    Ah you're right!

    Unless I make something like this.

    Map<Integer,ArrayList<Player>> map =newHashMap<Integer,ArrayList<Player>>();
  6. Offline


    @BurnerDiamond There is still only one value. But that value happens to be an ArrayList. Just get how many objects are in the array list.
  7. you can get the arraylist from the key.
    and get the size of the arraylist with .size()
  8. Offline


    If you want to have your Maps having more than one key (and not explicitly using a Collection as the value) you can use a MultiMap, which is part of Apache Commons, internally the values are stored as a Collection, but the MultiMap#put method will add values instead of replacing the ones that already exist.
  9. Offline


    How am I supposed to use it?

    It doesn't give me the choice of using a MultiMap meaning it doesn't exist.
  10. Offline



    Since you obviously don't know enough Java to be doing what he said, just use a Map of something to a List or Set.
  11. Offline


    Why would you do this though? Create a custom class 'Manager', for instance. Place a HashMap<Int, Player> inside, add some methods to set/get/return size, store a List<Manager>, done.
  12. @nj2miami Why don't let him do it.
    Its simple to solve your problem:
    just get the value (ArrayList) of the hashmap with hashmap.get(Object key) and do stuff with it, like gettings its size with .size()
  13. Offline


    The problem with this is that I need to make UHC teams. I could maybe make a constructor

    private ChatColor color;
    private List<String> players;

    public Team(ChatColor colorOfTeam, ArrayList<String> playersInTeam) {
    this.color = colorOfTeam;
    this.players = playersInTeam;

    Sound like an idea?
  14. Offline


    That's called Object Oriented Programming, so yes.
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