"Save" events

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Permeer, Feb 2, 2015.

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    Hey guys, i want to know how to "save" a event to happen when a metod is called i saw it before , but i dont found it , its something like this :

    Craft c = new Craft(String name , List<ItemStack> items);
    c.setResult(new Result(){
        public void result(){
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
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    @Permeer Please elaborate on what you want. Save how?
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    grammer ples? ;-;
    ReadySetPawn likes this.
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    @Burnett , eg:
    * I create a new variable that the type is Craft ( Made by me ) *
    I want to save a result( (Event) ) that fires when something happen
    i saw in another plugin that use a metod like this >

    c.setResult(new Result(){
        public void result(){
    But i dont know how to do methods like this, to save what will happen after the * requirement to enable that ( like a player click a item and i get that variable that have the result(Event) saved and it will execute that result) *.
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    @Permeer Afraid I am still confused. Your grammar doesn't help along with it being 23:45. You want to save it and execute the results? Why not just execute the results? Why do you need to save it?
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    If you want to save code that should be executed later then you would do so with a Runnable, or a class that mimics the function of it (a functional interface). Then your "Craft" class would call upon the method of that Runnable/interface.
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    @1Rogue, @Burnett I will show by code.

    public void onEnable() {
            // First of all , in the onEnable i will register all the possible recipes.
            // Its a craft system like survival games that you drop the items and check if you can do anything with they
            Craft c1 = new Craft("Campfire", Arrays.asList(new ItemStack(Material.FLINT_AND_STEEL), new ItemStack(Material.STICK)));
            // Craft will save the name, and the list of items to craft the campfire.
            c1.setResult(new ResultManager(){
                public void onCraft(){
                    Location loc = c1.getLocation(); // Location of the craft
                    loc.clone().add(0, -1, 0).getBlock().setType(Material.NETHERRACK);
            // Now it saved what will happen when all the needed items is dropped - The onCraft method.
            // to be automatic , the result (onCraft method) will be fired when any player drop all the items that he need to craft the campfire.
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    What's the confusion from my post? It's precisely that concept.
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    @1Rogue , sorry i didnt see your post. But a runnable can be a good ideia ? if i have 5 crafts , so , i will need 5 runnables running.
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    They don't need to be running, you can simply pass a Runnable to your Craft class, and then save it for later and call run() when appropriate on the object.
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