Server crashDOWN

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ViZiT, Apr 30, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    what is this ??? since 1.4beta i download 714, 733, 740, i start server without plugins but still have
    after this server spamed read time out
    read time out
    read time out
    Who can help me??? What i need to do???
  2. Offline


    This is a problem at all, in my:) So no wonder, it is necessary to correct...

    У всех такая проблемка :))
    ViZiT likes this.
  3. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    try updating you java to most recent x64 bit
  4. Offline


    i currently have it ... Do u have more variants ?

    Omg russian guy ))) Дел как ? у тебя такая же хрень?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  5. I've got the same Problem with the "Read timed out" spamming.

    It's bukkit related ....
  6. Offline


    But why in 1.3 all was FINE?
  7. dont know... My server is completely down ^^
  8. Offline


    i think someone don't have this problem....
  9. Offline


    Нормально дела :) У тебя небыло проблем с нагрузкой? :)
  10. Offline


    братан у меня i7 и 16ddr3)))
    pomo4ka likes this.
  11. Offline


    То что у тебя i7 и 16gb рамы не чего не говорит.Загрузка идет на одно ядро..
  12. Offline


    на одно ядро говрошь хм [​IMG]
    3начит это нам сниться :D
  13. Offline


    Ну админ говорил что типо идет на 1 ядро, у меня тоже самое, все 4 ядра активны.
  14. Offline


    у меня максимум 7 было с турбобустом)
  15. Offline


    It is a known bug with the latest craftbukkit. It should be fixed in later releases.
  16. Offline


    i hope this is fixed soon, our server went from 25 averge people to like 4 ;[
  17. Offline


    2% загрузку показывать сервера решает.
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