[UNSUPPORTED] [INFO] interesting places 1.2: name areas in the world

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by grandseiken, Jan 21, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    yo! what is this sick plugin

    this plugin lets you give names to different areas of your world. then when you wander about it'll tell you when you're arriving in different areas, as if you were playing world of warcraft or some nonsense. it also gives a /who command that tells you which named place everyone is in. as simple as that! it doesn't change the actual minecraft gameplay at all

    downloads - updated to 1.2!


    • put interest.jar in your plugins directory
    • create a subdirectory called interest within the plugins directory (might not even need to do this)
    • you shouldn't have to, but if place data isn't being saved you can manually create a file called places.txt within the interest subdirectory
    • /mark name creates an area called name at your current in-game location
    • /mark r:## name is the same as above, but the maximum radius of the area is limited by the ## value (rather than being potentially infinite)
    • /mark x:## y:## z:## name is the same as above, but the area is constrained to a certain distance along each axis (i.e., a cuboid). note that the x, y and z values count in both directions so the sides of the cuboid are actually double the axis value, centered on your position. each axis is optional - you can specify only one or two axes if you like
    • /unmark removes the nearest area
    • /nearest tells you which area you are in and gives the coordinates of its original marker (this is what /unmark will remove if you use it)
    • /who or /where lists all players and the names of the areas they're currently in
    • /who name (or /where name) gives the area and exact coordinates of the player called name
    the idea is you divide the world into areas by creating points. every time you use the /mark command, a point is created at your current location. at any given moment, whichever point you're closest to is your current area. this makes it very easy to create different areas - you don't need to mark the boundary or anything, just stand roughly in the middle of your house and type /name My House. then go to your farm and type /name My Farm. suddenly the world's split into two regions, and you'll know whether you're closer to Your House or Your Farm.

    if you need more complex shapes, you can mark two or more nearby points with the same name and then those areas will "join up" to become one big area.

    for the geometrically-inclined, this method partitions the world into a bunch of arbitrary polyhedra (whose faces are planes equidistant to a pair of marked points). however, it does mean that areas can be infinite - e.g., if you just create one area called My House then your entire world will be My House, since no matter where you are the closest place is My House. but you can venture out into the wildernesses and name them and then it makes a bit more sense UPDATE as of 1.1 you can use the radius option to limit the maximum distance at which you'll still be in a given area

    someone might have made something like this before. I don't know. it doesn't have permissions or anything cause I live on a cool server with cool people. you can change the source if you want that

    configuration file - supported as of 1.2

    for further customization, create a file called config.txt in the interest subdirectory with the following content
    entering=##3entering ##f$1
    leaving=##3entering wilderness
    who-head=##e$1 player(s) online:
    who-line-place=##e+ ##f$1 ##e- ##f$2
    who-line-no-place=##e+ ##f$1 ##e- ##fwilderness
    these are the default values (i.e., same as if there were no config.txt). edit as you wish.
    • if ops-only is 1, only ops can use /mark and /unmark
    • if disable-who is 1, /who is disabled (/where still works) - in case of conflict
    • entering is the message displayed when you enter an area. $1 gives the name of the area
    • leaving is the message displayed when you leave an area. $1 (not used by default) gives the name of the area
    • who-head is the header of the /who command. $1 gives the number of players online
    • who-line-place is the line displayed for players who are currently in an area. $1 gives the player name, $2 gives the area name
    • who-line-no-place is the line displayed for players who are not currently in any area. $1 gives the player name
    double hash symbols (##) are substituted with ยง for colour codes. secret fact: this also works for area names now!
    madamage and Raws like this.
  2. Offline


    I'm trying out this plugin and so far I like it. I hope more stuff will be customizable in the future so you can decide what your /who looks like and what your enter messages look like. Maybe even who set the marking so only the admin or marking owners can remove that. Integration with dynmaps would be cool too.
  3. Offline


    Maybe only allow OPs to name areas?

    Oh god please remove the "entering wilderness" and change "entering X" syntax to simply "X" so players can enter their area messages themselves like "Welcome to Flowerland" or "Entering Shop".
    --- merged: Jan 23, 2011 3:17 PM ---
    There maybe someone compiles it?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  4. Offline


    Full ack!
    No default area, or a name for this, no message on login.

    And now I think, a radius isn't the best solution ;)
    r:10 for radius
    s: 10 20 for a 10x20 square
  5. Offline


    Please change the "entering X" to just "X" so people can write their own messages completely by themselves.
  6. Offline


    I'd rather suggest to make 'entering X' fully customizable to cater to all audiences. I like the idea of 'entering' there though I'd expand it a bit more probably.
  7. Offline


    Love the plugin. Just have a couple of suggestions. Everyone is saying to get rid of the "entering" text, which I can understand, but make it an option in the plugin, not mandatory. I could see some cases where people would like it, and others wouldn't.

    I'd also like an option to, instead of saying "entering Wilderness" to instead say "leaving LocationName" but only if they weren't going into a new location. Does that make sense? Like, If i'm going from LocationName01 to LocationName02 it'd simply say "entering LocationName02", but if i was heading outside of LocationName01 into nothing it'd say "leaving LocationName01".

    Love the plugin!
  8. Offline


    I'd like to suggest that /who be optional, settable in a configuration. /where is perfect. Plenty of people using different plugins that use /who as well or want to make their own.

    Another suggestion: Make it show grouped by location. For example now you have kind of like:
    5 player(s) online:
    + Adam - Garden of Eden
    + Eve - Garden of Eden
    + God - The Void
    + Snake - Garden of Eden
    + Angel - The Void
    It probably could be reduced to:
    Players Online (5):
    [Garden of Eden]: Adam, Eve, Snake
    [The Void]: God, Angel
    Certainly shorter while displaying the same information!
    The location name should be differently coloured from the player names to make it easier distinguishable.
  9. Offline


    This seems like awesomeness, thanks for all you programmers effort in those plugins =)
  10. Offline


    This broke for me in the latest update....either that or I did something stupid
  11. Offline


    Got it working very easily here. A plugin I didn't even know I needed (but I did). Good job :)

    EDIT: maybe a way to customize the word "entering ", or remove it entirely?
  12. Offline


    I still did not see a answer to "Does this have a way of only allowing admins to use?"

    Like the other post, I don't want all my players making regions. Also t\I have apvp server, the /who name would give away their coordinates thus making hideouts impossible...

    If this used Nijikokun's permissions it would fix this.
  13. Offline


    Great job!

    My suggestions for the plugin:
    • Permissions support
    • Make the word 'entering' and the word of everywhere ('wilderness') customizable (colors too)
    • i would like to mark a zone with Corner1, Corner2 (rectangle) and enter the height for this.
      Example: stand in corner1, type /mark c:1. Then walk to the other corner, type /mark c:2 10 (10 means 'height of 10 block up from the block i'm standing on. Height should be an optional value with a default of 5 in up- and down direction.. something like this.
  14. Offline


    Keep permissions support optional. Alternative ops support or no restrictions.
  15. This is an awesome mod! I'm having great fun with it! Thanks!
    Can it be OP only? I hope so. Or a list of allowed names?
    Does it support color codes like &3HELL?

    No need to nest areas, line is too short. People can always make New York as a huge region and then define "Times Square, New York" , "Brooklyn, New York" etc as smaller regions - that way they keep control of what fits on the line

  16. Offline


    FYI - I love your plugin.

    The /who feature showing where everybody is, is so amazing
  17. Offline


    Working great for me. Threw this together to display places as markers for pigmap:

    Also seconding the ability to hide/edit the 'now entering the wilderness' message.
  18. Offline


    thanks!! I also like /who

    version 1.2 uploaded. changes: cuboid function, config file allowing most of the things people wanted (message customization, admins only), colours in area names

    for example, if you wanted RenStrike's request of entering/leaving messages and no wilderness you could set it up like
    entering=##3entering ##f$1
    leaving=##3leaving ##f$1
    who-head=##e$1 player(s) online:
    who-line-place=##e+ ##f$1 ##e- ##f$2
    who-line-no-place=##e+ ##f$1

    Oh god a thing someone gave me for nothing in return is slightly different from my ideal thing
  19. Offline


    Heh heh, I'm hoping that creec was being sort of idiosyncratically overdramatic there... probably no need to get annoyed :x

    great plugin. this update = brilliant.
  20. Offline


    OH YEAH, big big thanks. works great!
    Last requests *laugh*

    No message if leaving= is empty.
    A tool to mark the X-Y Area (WoodenShovel).

    /marktool give me the woodenshovel, I click the to corners to mark X and Y, and type /mark z:10 RegionName. Finish, and the shovel is for marking disabled, if I want to mark again, I have to enter /marktool.

    z: works only with x. and y: not with r: . What a bummer!
  21. Offline


    not sure what you mean. x, y, and z all work independently or combined; r is a different constraint

    edit: not sure if you realise but Y is the vertical axis in minecraft?
  22. Offline


    First, thanks again for taking the time to make this.

    Question - Do the cuboids adjust their size based on other connected/overlapping areas?

    Request #1 - Give us the option (true/false setting) for the area to be a fixed size. IE... /mark f:1 r:10 If two fixed size areas overlap, give precedence to smaller areas.

    Alternative Request #1 - Give us some form of precedence control... Child/Sub Zones.

    I realize that this request could be a pain in the neck. I could even forsee someone saying, "do it yourself." =)

    The way that I'm using this, I have a large area defined as a "zone," each of which has a radius of 150. I have smaller markers for cities/towns/interesting places. In the case of cities/towns, I have individual buildings defined. In some of the large buildings, I have areas of the building defined as well. The trouble is, when the maths happen, everything gets averaged out and my sub-zones end up being smaller.

    Request #2 - Cylinders - /mark r:10 y:100 - Far easier request. ;)
  23. Offline


  24. Offline


    Yeah, it's not really been designed for areas within areas - although your method should be fine as long as none of the sub-areas have radius greater than half the distance to the center of the bigger area

    edit: findme idea is actually really cool
  25. Offline


    Yep, I mean y, not z ;)
    r: is radius, y: height? r:10 y:5 ?!
    If I use r: without y:, I define a region from bedrock to the sky, or not? And r with y isn't working (yet).
  26. Love this mod! Its brilliant! If you are listening to the ppl saying "remove the 'entering...' " then consider making it a parameter in the config file. So ppl who like it can set the param to "entering " and others can set it to "".

    Anyway - how many users are running on your server? Because on mine it was fine with 4 people but when 17 people logged on - massive lag. Why? It appears to use up 390Mb PER user. Before you express disbelief, this is the server logs immediately after 3 reboots and just before removing the mod :( after which the lag, and these messages, went away:
    2011-01-25 19:03:43 [INFO] emz66us lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-01-25 19:03:43 [INFO] Redband1t lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-01-25 19:03:43 [INFO] Lasersoft120 lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-01-25 19:03:43 [INFO] Kiryu_Kyosuke lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-01-25 19:03:43 [INFO] Happy21 lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-01-25 19:03:43 [INFO] TheHeat lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-01-25 19:03:44 [INFO] jtlcr777 lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-01-25 19:03:45 [INFO] Freed 309.4898376464844 MB.
    2011-01-25 19:03:45 [INFO] Freed 328.5114288330078 MB.
    2011-01-25 19:03:45 [INFO] Freed 327.09059143066406 MB.
    2011-01-25 19:03:45 [INFO] Freed 326.37671661376953 MB.
    2011-01-25 19:03:46 [INFO] Freed 33.82952880859375 MB.
    2011-01-25 19:03:46 [INFO] Freed 328.2750778198242 MB.
    2011-01-25 19:03:46 [INFO] Freed 49.83074188232422 MB.
    2011-01-25 19:03:47 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] corumanime: /#save-all
    2011-01-25 19:03:47 [INFO] corumanime issued server command: #save-all
    2011-01-25 19:03:47 [INFO] corumanime: Forcing save..
    2011-01-25 19:03:52 [INFO] corumanime: Save complete.
    2011-01-25 19:03:52 [INFO] BaphometClass lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-01-25 19:03:52 [INFO] SnowTigerRawr lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-01-25 19:03:53 [INFO] dr3amz lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-01-25 19:03:53 [INFO] Salron lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-01-25 19:03:54 [INFO] Freed 377.5439224243164 MB.
    2011-01-25 19:03:54 [INFO] Freed 391.55628204345703 MB.
    2011-01-25 19:03:55 [INFO] Freed 17.98163604736328 MB.
    2011-01-25 19:03:55 [INFO] Freed 19.568695068359375 MB.

    Sorry for the text but, to me, it looks like it was reserving a TON of memory per player, and again, a reboot didn't fix, but removing the mod DID. I really want this mod back! Please see if it was somehow causing this, thanks!
  27. Offline


    what are you using to measure memory - where are those Freed messages coming from? (I don't get them)

    seems doubtful that it's this mod - should only really use a few kilobytes of data, barring something really weird in bukkit's event system (or java being the worst language)

    I did hear that bukkit was causing big memory leaks, is that fixed yet?
  28. Offline


    Cant download the plugin - google wants me to sign up. But i DONT WANT! xD
    Can you please add a direkt donwload link without register with google? Not everyone want to sign up there...
    Thanks :)

    **Edit**: It works now, so forget my post :p
  29. Offline


    It's pretty cool now that we can edit our own lines!

    Still got some suggestions, though! ;)

    Can you add the & as color code next to the ##? A lot of plugins are using & now, would be very nice for consistency.

    I can envision a 'merge-location' option. For example, my config.txt could be:
    who-line-place=[$2] $1
    Then $1 will be the list of players, comma-seperated, and $2 still be the location. And the location can be only shown once in the whole player list. The moment you change merge-location to 'no' is when $2 won't be unique in the list and $1 will be only one player.
    If that is too complex, could you otherwise add a who-line-place-merged option to achieve the same when merge-location is toggled on? That'd really make this plugin very great! Makes the playerlist also less huge when there are more people on, and easier to see who are in roughly the same area.

    And integration with the findme plugin would indeed be very sweet.
    --- merged: Jan 26, 2011 8:25 AM ---
    Would it also be possible to add the who-foot option for ones who want a footer to their player list?
  30. Offline


    Feature request for use with external mapping tools:
    Can you add place categories? I'm interested in something like /mark [<category name>] <place name>. Not sure about delimiters or syntax, perhaps a /markcat command would be better.

    This would could allow multiple map layers to be created based on category, or different point icons / treatments for different interesting place types.

    I'm only hoping for this feature for use with external mapping tools, but maybe it could be used in game to filter responses as well: (/nearest zone would return 'green hill' vs /nearest returning a specific point in the area), but that's not all that important.
  31. Offline


    & is a terrible thing to use for colour codes since a single & is useful & cool in lots of phrases
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