Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Jason5632, Mar 19, 2014.

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    i try to place water on my server but it doesnt place it, it will dissapear and come back into my inventory
  2. Offline


    It might be implacable in the essentials config, Or you've protected the area with world guard, Or you have halted server activity.
  3. Offline


    both my essentials and worldguard config dont have water disabled but i still cant place it
  4. Offline


    Perhaps you are using a Guest plugin with books and teleport compasses and such
  5. Offline


    nope i just have the following plugins: essentials, worlsguard, permissionsEX, griefprotection and vault
  6. Offline


    Do you have Essentials Anti-Build?
  7. Offline


    Where do i find that?
  8. Offline


    Please Tahg me when you want a response. Do you having something called Essentials Anti Build.jar in your plugins' folder directory.
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  10. Offline


    I suggest removing that Anti Build.
  11. Offline


    like remove the whole part of the config? XpertHax
  12. Offline


    I think he means the entire thing. Essentials Anti-Build uses permissions to allow only CERTAIN types of things to be used by the player...
  13. Offline


    One of the features of GriefPrevention is that you cannot place water above ground unless it is inside your claim. You can turn that off in the config/rules file, but it's on like that by default. It's supposed to help prevent people from griefing with water. So don't worry about trying to delete EssentialsAntibuild; that isn't what's causing this one. Your problem is fixable in your GriefPrevention files.
  14. Offline


    oh and btw i am using 7.8 griefprevention but i cant find the config file to disable that JaguarJo
  15. Offline


    Jason5632 Is there a file called rules? I'll look through the GP documentation pages again and see if I can find where they stored that on the 7.8 version. It might end up being a permission node thing again. Be right back...
  16. Offline


    i only see 3 files called ClaimData, PlayerData, and WorldConfigs and i also have 3 YML files called config, dataconfig and messages JaguarJo
  17. Offline


    Jason5632 It would be in the config file (I think) under a rules section that says buckets. What I've found about it so far:
    GriefPrevention.Rules.WaterBuckets and GriefPrevention.Rules.LavaBuckets separate the permissions for filling and placing into two groups, Place, and Fill. This results in Claim Behaviour data in the expected format described above for GriefPrevention.Rules.WaterBuckets.Place, GriefPrevention.Rules.WaterBuckets.Full, and GriefPrevention.Rules.LavaBuckets.Place and GriefPrevention.Rules.LavaBuckets.Fill.
    Water defaults to preventing placement above sea level in the wilderness and requiring build trust in claims. LavaBuckets defaults to requiring GriefPrevention.Lava permission in the wilderness and only allowing it below sea level and requiring build trust within claims.
    And under the permissions section, I found this:
    Gives permission to place Water in certain circumstances.
    I think if you give that permission node to your players, then they should be able to bypass the water placement rules in the config.

    *Version 7.7 was so much easier to configure. I'm sure the 7.8 build is more flexible with controls for what people can do, but it really did complicate things. I'm not really looking forward to the inevitable day when I'll need to update mine.
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    i have given that node to every rank but still doesnt allow me to place water above land JaguarJo
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