When will Bukkit be updated for Minecraft 1.5?

Discussion in 'Bukkit News' started by EvilSeph, Apr 20, 2011.

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    We have completed the update to Minecraft 1.5_02 (and have had it done for a while now) and are working out a few issues before we promote a recommended build. A TEST ONLY build is available but we highly recommend that you wait until we promote a Recommended Build before putting it on your production server.

    You can find the latest test build on ci.bukkit.org. Please note, though, that if you don't already know how to get it, you probably shouldn't be using it. Only Recommended Builds have gone through extensive testing. Anything else could result in unforeseen problems like Bukkit eating your cake or your world. You have been warned.


    Common Problems/Questions:
    What's the first build that works with Minecraft 1.5_02
    The first CraftBukkit build that works with Minecraft 1.5_02 was made available 2 days ago and is build #689. However, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that if you are running the test builds, you always stay up to date as we usually fix bugs, exploits and improve stability.

    I downloaded build 714 but got some other build!
    You're probably reading the version string incorrectly.

    Here's an example version string:
    git-Bukkit-0.0.0-686-g71ef92a-b714jnks (MC: 1.5_02)

    This version string is for build 714, as you can tell by the "b714jnks" at the end.

    Whenever I use a plugin that changes blocks, I can't see the changes until I reconnect!
    We had an issue with blocks not updating properly but this has since been fixed from build #707. This bug affected plugins that changed blocks in game, like WorldEdit.

    Help! My console keeps getting spammed with this error whenever someone gets kicked or disconnects and it lags the server!
    This is a bug we've fixed from build #701 onwards.

    I can't build or destroy anything! Help!?
    The common cause of this issue is a client mod called Single Player Commands, please try uninstalling all your client mods and seeing if this fixes the issue. If this is the case, then it isn't a Bukkit issue and you should contact the author of the mods you use.

    Every time I connect to the server and load a sign, the client crashes. What's wrong?
    Minecraft 1.5 has added limits for sign text. Plugin developers commonly used longer sign text to store extra data or add colours to signs. This is no longer possible, so we now cut off any line in a sign longer than 15 characters (as of build #712).

    I get kicked when flying and am told that flying hasn't been enabled on this server. How do I enable flying?
    Minecraft 1.5 added anti-flying checks. You can enable flying by setting allow-flight=true in server.properties.

    Whenever I try to send a long message in chat, it gets cut off at roughly two lines.
    A limit on chat has been added with Minecraft 1.5. This is one of the issues we're hoping to address before we promote a Recommended Build.

    Help! When I use the CLI arguments to set ports (or any setting), the server always starts up on 25565 or ignores the setting!
    There was a bug that prevented the server from reading settings passed through CLI arguments. This has since been fixed from build #706 onwards.

    The easiest fix for most problems is to update to the latest Bukkit test build.


    As is the case with every Minecraft update, we saw our usual influx of extra traffic from people wondering if we have a build of CraftBukkit working with the Minecraft update seconds after release (seriously). Usually, you'd see a pretty standard post from me stating we're working on an update and providing the usual advice that you aren't forced to update. However, this time there was a distinct lack of communication from the team regarding the status of the update, other than the usual "we're working on it". Couple this with the slow development occurring lately and we can forgive people for posting the expected "is Bukkit dead?" or "what's going on?" posts. I hope this post will explain everything.

    Will there be a CraftBukkit for Minecraft 1.5?
    Given the reports of showstopping bugs present in 1.5, there's a high chance a new bugfix update for Minecraft will be out tomorrow or even several times this week. As a result, it is unlikely we will be releasing a 1.5 compatible build and, instead, will be waiting for something stable to work with.

    Due to the nature of the project and the methods we use to provide Bukkit for Minecraft, any update - no matter how small - requires us to figure out the mapping of obfuscated classes and update our code. This takes a lot of time and work, so hopefully you understand our decision.

    Having said all this, we recommend that you stay on 1.4 for a while until the patch storm subsides if your server depends on Bukkit.

    Further, I wanted to apologise for the lack of communication regarding this update. I was really hesitant announcing this since it would only serve to disappoint and annoy people, however, I noticed quite a few supportive comments on here and IRC that pushed me to post this announcement because the people that have supported us through everything deserve it.

    Why are things so quiet? Why is the update taking so long?
    Before I answer this, I think it is appropriate to cover what usually happens when we're aware of an update coming soon. Whenever we recieve word of a Minecraft update (which, contrary to popular belief, is generally the same time as everyone else), we place all development in the Bukkit project under a code freeze to prepare for the update and make things easier. That being said, last week thursday we were expecting a Minecraft update and appropriately placed the project under a code freeze. Unfortunately, the update was delayed and pushed to the next week, resulting in a much longer code freeze than normally occurs. Naturally, this lead to activity within the project seeming critically lower than it really was and prompted some people to post the inevitable "what's going on?" thread.

    On top of the code freeze, we're working on some larger changes to Bukkit or CraftBukkit that require quite a bit of time to complete and will only be commited to the public code when they are ready. Quite often you'll find that, while you don't see any updates, we definitely are still working hard programming awesome things and appreciate your patience and support.

    So why is this update taking so long? After we had updated for Minecraft 1.4, we came across some annoying chunk related issues and bugs that were incredibly difficult to pinpoint due to confusion with the new obfuscated names mappings (d -> c and c -> d). Naturally, these kinds of issues were unacceptable for the project and we immediately got to work on improving our update process to avoid issues of this nature in the future. While I think we can all agree with this decision, the unfortunate result is the delay we're currently facing since we're not yet done improving the process. The good news is, we're nearly done improving our update handling process and the wait will definitely be worth it come future updates.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!
    Azukay, Nuinbot, pcgames3112 and 54 others like this.
  2. scrapbukkit?
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  4. Offline


    It's not 'different'. It's a plugin, not a server.
    Mainly modifies items and teleporting, but it MAY possibly have an unstated affect on kicking and banning.
    HIGHLY doubt it though.
  5. Offline


    Using build 705, all lag issues & console spam is non existant, this is the best build so far.
  6. Offline


    Running strong on 705
  7. Offline

    Bill Warner

    705 with half a dozen users and working well. Come to think of it I haven't dropped a $10 in the donation bukkit in a while. the work you guys have been doing deserves it. headed there now.
  8. Offline

    John Adams

    Well I upgraded to CB705 and it still does the timeout error,
    exception: java.io.IOException: Received string length longer that maximum allowed (21 > 15)
    I was doing fine until a few more ppl joined in, at 6 we were fine two more ppl joined and the error occured again.
    Just thought I would let everyone know, any help is appreciated.
  9. Offline


    Hmm about to try #705 now, anyone else getting problems like this ?

    Also am i allowed to post my server IP here so a few of you can join, because my usual testers went to bed about 3 hours ago
  10. Offline


    I posted mine earlier, didn't get any infractions or whatever.
    Just deleted the post because no one joined.

    If you post the IP I'll join myself though.
    And no, I'm not getting the problem myself.

    What plugins are you using?
    I hadn't had 8 people on my server yet on 1.5, so I may be wrong. But it sounds like a plugin issue.
  11. Offline


    ok give me 5 mins then i will post the ip i just need to sort a few things out :)

    Need to test my server with a few people, my regulars are asleep
    My server IP:

    if im not allowed to post my IP please let me know, couldn't find any rules about it


    [we discourage advertising your server in forums apart from the 'advertise your server' forum, however this is fine. Just don't be annoying about it and you should be fine. We encourage people testing the latest builds, and sharing server details helps this.]

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  12. Offline


    Well, I certainly do appreciate your hard work, and I'll be constantly checking in.
  13. Offline


    when ever i brake or place a block my mc crashes and it fills my command prompt can som1 plz help me, i have the most recent build and its pretty odd cause it only happens to me, and im the server owner
  14. Offline


    Same here :(
  15. Offline

    John Adams

    list of plug ins:
    I reset the server and it cleared up for a minute, but once the ppl started joining again it started to do it again same error. Thx for the replies.
  16. Offline


    i have to do everything by cuboid :S
  17. Offline


    705 run nice

    group manager
    lockette (but some bug)
    micro minecart starter
  18. Offline


    mine uses
    cuboid plugin
    group manager
  19. Offline


    Updated to build #705.
    Runs beautifully!
    Only problem is with Minecart Mania plugins (which is to be expected given how much minecarts changed with this update).
    I tip my hat to the entire Bukkit team.
    Many thanks!
    I'll be headed for the donation box soon ; )
  20. Offline

    John Adams

    I am on CB705 and it does the timeout error,
    exception: java.io.IOException: Received string length longer that maximum allowed (21 > 15)
    We had 6 ppl and it was running fine and then we had a couple ppl join and it started the errors.
    I reset the server and it cleared up for a minute, but once ppl started to join again it started again. My plugins are,
    I appreciate the help guys, and sorry for 2 post I needed to get all the details in one post to make it easier.
  21. Offline


    Hmm did this and removed a sh*t load of cloth destroying my giant creations
  22. Offline

    Gary Heaton

    Been running on 705 with no noticeable problems using these plugins.
  23. lol I just got back from completing Portal 2 and the builds have gone from #697 to #705 :p
    I will test 705 now!
  24. Offline

    Mitch C

    can u make a big announcement when u do release the new version because when 1.4 happened i only saw it at the big announcement so yeah
  25. Offline


    I'm sure they will when it's stable -> recommended build.
  26. Offline


    I've fired up build 704 on my server right now but no matter what I do I cant get any of the Non-ops to build/destroy or even open doors or anything. Nothing will work. Any ideas?
  27. Offline

    Geko X

    Just tested the 705 build. No problems what-so-ever.


    EDIT: And we had snow and rain. It lasted for 3 whole days!
  28. Offline


    is it just me or am i only one who cant log in there sever with 705?
  29. Offline


    Dont Join This :p

    joking :p
  30. Offline


    Eh, I'll wait for a recommended build on 1.5_01 :p
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