Solved Server resets puts players rank back to default

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by AuZor, Nov 27, 2013.

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    I use
    /world [name]
    /user [name]
    /user setgroup [group]

    Of course, this all works how it should.

    When I reload all plugins or just restart the server, they go back to the default rank.

    Plugins are:

    There are NEVER any errors of any sort, and I've looked through all plugins for possible interruptions. My only guess is
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    Post any errors from the console on startup.
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    I am not totally sure of how bperms handles per-world perms, but you probably have a group in one world that you do not have in another. Also what plugin did you cover up?
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    Just a plugin that I have to remove. It has no effect on anything, just taking up space. This is so I remember to remove it because I'm doing other stuff.

    And YES, you might be right. I do, now that I think of it, forget to rank them in ALL worlds :p

    Nope. Just ranked my friend in all 4 active worlds -> restart -> default again
  5. Offline


    Could you post a Pastebin copy of the server.log, specifically on the shut-down, seems to me like the permissions are not getting saved on the shutdown.
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    Reloaded, I set my rank, I stopped the server, I started the server, I got to my previous rank once again.

    /Ooooooohhhhh I have to do /permissions save

    I was told by a certain member to disable auto-save in the config.yml as it messed up the nodes, throwing them up and down, in between each other. Will this still not happen if I use /permissions save?
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    not sure, what permissions plugin are you using?
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