Walking NPCs

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by r0306, Jul 4, 2013.

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    Is it me or is TopCat's NPC Library create choppy NPC movment? I'm calling the npc.walkTo(location) right now and I can see a some lag in their movements. No sure if I'm just doing it wrong or if there's a newer version of the library out but here's what I have.

    public static void spawnNPC(String name)
          final NPC npc = manager.spawnHumanNPC(name, arena.getRandomLocation());
            int id = Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(Plugin.getPlugin(), new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    processActions(npc);  //Makes NPC walk to a random location.
            }, 1L, 100L);
        public static void processActions(NPC npc)
                Location location = npc.getArena().getRandomLocation();
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    This may be an old thread but would you mind sharing you random location code?
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    Technes and Twisted_Panda like this.
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    Yeah, is there a problem?
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    r0306 was last seen: Jul 7, 2013
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